So I need a bit of help, I'm reaching out to anyone who has story telling experience, or anyone who can help tbh, anyways
Title is STARNOVA and it's a 2 part story, long story short part 1 of S.N. follows the pov of Pop star "Claire" and her companion who fell from the sky one night "Nova", they are stuck in a endless loop where they "Die" but re awaken the next day remembering what happened sorta like "Deja-Vu", after dying in the most stupid ways, they try to find ways to break this cycle, once they finally are able to break this cycle, the end up breaking their reality, and finding the culprit which rn I'll refer as to a "Angel" after attempting to kill this thing, they sadly fail at this, and "Angel" ends up "killing" Claire and throws Nova into "Hell". This ends Part 1...Part 2 of S.N. Nova escapes "hell" somehow (still trying to figure this one out) and travels through multiple realities to find Claire again, after multiple attempts he finally "finds" Claire again, but turns out he finds a alternate version of Claire, replacing this Claires Nova. This versions full name is "Claire Rose" and she is a "Rock-Star" instead of a "Pop-Star", her attitude is completely different...sorta B**chy lmao, ANYWAYS...As Nova explains to her who he is and explains she is in grave danger, he starts to loose his memory since his reality was erased, the only reason he still exists is due to his Claire still being "Alive", which will be explained later in the story, he tries to explain to her that they need to find a way to break out of this reality to find this "angel" before they end up in another endless death cycle again.
Sorry I know this is everywhere rn, it's still in the works I got inspo from Kill La Kill, evangellion and the manga Gunbured Sisters(sorta). if anyone has ANY pointers or advice I'm open to it and ANY criticism, I'm new to the whole storytelling shiz, so excuse the mess, but ye